Refining CDBG-DR Case and Workflow Management Systems
A successful disaster recovery effort using HUD CDBG-DR (Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery) is reliant on the quality of the systems utilized to organize recovery efforts.
Recognizing a Need
HUD has criticized various Case Management Systems used by grantees for failing to adequately support disaster recovery outcomes and processes.
The IEM Approach
IEM is providing comprehensive program design and implementation services for various state’s disaster-recovery programs. IEM built and maintains the system of record, HRIQ, for the registration process in CDBG-DR rebuild programs. Applicants are directed to a dedicated HRIQ site from the state’s website when they want to register their damaged property for assistance.
Innovating for Resilience
IEM’s HRIQ provides a workflow-integrated Case Management System that includes the capabilities of a HUD-compliant System of Record – a crucial component of a successful CDBG-DR delivery. The system can also implement a reporting database and document management storage system, ensuring that production data is backed up and can be easily accessed.
Achieving Results
IEM’s next-generation web-based program integration platform, HRIQ is built on an award-winning intelligent business process management platform. HRIQ provides the scalability to handle large spikes in usage, supports mobile and offline data entry, and has the flexibility to handle program updates within hours or minutes with no interruption in server availability. In one location, IEM’s system supports nearly 7,000 individual grantees and program staff distributed in 11 housing assistance and program centers across a state
Expert IEMers
Jon Mabry, Vice President of Disaster Recovery
Ted Lemke, Chief Technology Officer