Understanding Mpox: What You Need to Know
Staying ahead of emerging health threats is not just important – it is essential for our collective well-being. One such threat that is making headlines is mpox, formerly known as Monkeypox.
Team IEM Puerto Rico CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Aynette Carrión
With over 14 years of experience in grant management and disaster recovery, Aynette joined Team IEM in 2019 to support our on-island CDBG-DR-funded programs.
The Path Back to Normalcy After a Disaster
Featuring Bryan Koon, President and Chief Executive Officer, from IEM
As the frequency and severity of disasters increase, it is becoming essential for individuals to be aware of how they can better prepare for the effects of these incidents. This campaign highlights the importance of being prepared for a disaster, and acts as an educational guidebook for individuals, families, and communities most likely to be impacted in the upcoming year.
Team IEM Puerto Rico CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Carlos Ruiz
Carlos Ruiz is a professional engineer with an extensive background in housing and mitigation programs and administering multi-million-dollar construction projects in Puerto Rico.
Team IEM’s CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Earl Randall III
Earl Randall III has an extensive background in housing and urban development and provides his expertise to guide compliance and monitoring in IEM’s disaster recovery programs.
Team IEM Puerto Rico CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Gustavo Santiago
Gustavo Santiago is an experienced project manager focused on federally funded housing programs, legal and regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and resource management.
Solar for All Program: Bringing Residential Solar to Every American
The federal government announced a historic $7 billion investment to increase access to affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy. Focusing on low-income and disadvantaged communities, the Solar for All Program empowers the 60 selected participants – states, tribes, and nonprofits – to deliver solar projects to over 900,000 low-income and disadvantaged households nationwide.
Team IEM’s CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Tim Lagudi
Tim Lagudi is a driving force in IEM’s housing and disaster recovery programs. His expertise in program and grants management guides recovery projects to better serve applicants in need, more quickly and efficiently completing projects with positive outcomes.
Rising COVID-19 Numbers and the Importance of Immunization: A Doctor’s Perspective
As we navigate through the summer and into fall, it is increasingly clear that COVID-19 is still with us and here to stay. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), data from their sentinel-based surveillance system, across 84 countries, the percent of positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 has been rising over several weeks.
Team IEM’s CDBG 50th Anniversary Spotlights: Debra Smith
Dr. Debra Smith is a committed and well-known housing and disaster recovery expert. Since joining IEM in 2015, Debra’s strong leadership, meaningful insight, and all-around expertise have guided various disaster recovery programs to successfully assist communities’ post-disaster.