An Essential Partner in Energy Security
Energy security is vital to our nation’s critical infrastructure framework. IEM is your partner in preparing for, responding to, and mitigating the impacts of energy supply disruptions. Whether it’s staffing emergency operations centers following power outages or other energy-related crises; or developing hazard mitigation plans for critical infrastructure, IEM experts collaborate with you to design, implement, and maintain tailored, holistic, and meaningful strategies that safeguard critical infrastructure and ensure continuity of essential services.
IEM strategically develops and positions our internal resources to support the energy sector’s emergency management needs, and our track record shows it. In addition to our state, local, tribal, and territorial work, we support private, investor-owned utilities; public power entities; and rural electric cooperatives with energy sector-specific emergency exercises, resilience planning, and operational functions.
Our team sits at the nexus of energy security and emergency management, and we are well-practiced in applying real-world lessons, leveraging professional networks for unique insights, and working with diverse groups of stakeholders to position our clients to be informed, engaged, and ready to respond.
Leveraging a performance-based methodology, IEM helps our clients succeed by supporting risk awareness and assessment activities; designing actionable, functional, and effective emergency response plans; delivering innovative solutions and technology training and exercise programs; and developing long-term resilience plans focused on actionable solutions to ensure energy security in the face of complex, dynamic forces such as severe, complex weather events and interdependent systems.
IEM delivers innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and direct operational support to states, territories, tribes, localities, and the private sector to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and secure human health and safety, economic security, and national security.
IEM Experience in the Energy Sector
Experts You Can Trust
Our subject matter experts have compiled IEM’s high-level energy security capabilities in a downloadable format.
- Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) and feasibility
- Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) incident response planning and materials security
- Continuity of Operations
- Disaster response surge support for SLTT entities and electric utilities
- Disaster recovery and grant management services for SLTT and utilities (FEMA Public Assistance, HUD CDBG-Disaster Recovery and Mitigation)
- Drone and GIS-aided infrastructure inspections and damage assessments
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Management
- Energy emergency response planning
- Full-cycle physical and cybersecurity exercise planning, conduct and evaluation
- Hazard mitigation planning (FEMA HMGP, BRIC)
- Intrastate Cybersecurity Planning
- Local long-term power outage interdependency and gap analysis
- Organizational Maturity and Resilience
- Physical security audits
- Pipeline and volatile liquid incident response planning
- Regional black sky planning
- Security and resilience applications for smart and microgrids
- Stakeholder engagement and outreach
- Threat and hazard modeling (e.g., physical attacks, cyber-attacks, infrastructure failure, critical interdependencies, downstream impacts, and climate change modeling)