What We Do
As disasters increase in frequency and severity, it is vital that organizations work with a partner that possess the reputable experience building communities back stronger after disaster strikes. IEM’s team of nationally recognized disaster recovery experts have the knowledge required to manage a federally funded long-term recovery program to more quickly and efficiently meet the needs of disaster survivors and the communities where they live.
Following a disaster, it can take several years for individuals and their impacted communities to fully recover. IEM understands the complexities and requirements of Community Development Block Grants Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) programs to successfully implement and manage housing, economic recovery, infrastructure, and mitigation projects to support your constituent’s remaining unmet needs.
IEM has managed billions of dollars in disaster assistance to include, but not limited to, the following programs:
- Ongoing efforts in Texas, Puerto Rico, and Florida.
- Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program – Louisiana Great Floods, 2016
- New Jersey’s Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation and Mitigation, and Low-and-Moderate-Income Homeowners Rebuilding Programs – Hurricane Sandy, 2012
- Served as Program Manager for NY Rising, the $1.2 billion CDBG-DR Housing Recovery Program – Hurricane Sandy, 2012
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted the lives of Americans far and wide. With funding made available through the American Rescue Plan Act, jurisdictions can now offer much needed financial recourse to households experiencing housing instability through the Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) and Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). IEM has managed the largest CDBG-DR housing recovery programs in our country – our expertise in this field is invaluable to effectively support the recovery of vulnerable households facing foreclosure or eviction.
IEM developed grants automation software that can easily adapt to your agency’s needs – our IQ suite blends innovative technology with streamlined processing. Various iterations of this software have been reimagined to adjust to project needs:
- HRIQ™ software utilized for housing and recovery operations workflows.
- RentAssistIQ™ software manages and processes emergency rental assistance funds
- HousingAssistIQ™ software manages and processes homeowner assistance funds
- Program Implementation and Management
- Needs Assessment and Plan Development
- Plan and Conduct Pilot Program
- Benefits Administration Software
- Outreach, Communications and Engagement Strategies and Campaigns
- Call Center Services
- Case Management/Eligibility Screening
- Eligibility QC and Appeals
- Payment Processing
- Fraud Detection and Prevention
- Audit Support and Oversight