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FEMA Public Assistance


IEM provides FEMA Public Assistance, or FEMA PA, technical support to state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) clients facing complex recovery challenges.

If claimed costs of damaged elements are not properly validated, vital funding for disaster recovery projects can be delayed or denied when needed most. It is critical to call on effective, experienced assistance of professionals who understand FEMA and federal government requirements as well as how SLTT governments function as you begin your recovery. IEM’s professionals serve as powerful advocates for communities seeking necessary funds to repair and rebuild critical infrastructure damaged by a disaster. 

How Can IEM Support Your Jurisdiction?

IEM delivers planning, technical assistance, and program support to communities in the days, weeks, and months following a disaster. We help public officials, planners, and community members implement a long-term planning process to foster a disaster-resilient and economically stable community for the future.

Our Public Assistance professionals offer a full spectrum of knowledge and experience in FEMA’s Public Assistance programs including:

  • Damage Inventory Development
  • Project Formulation
  • 406 Hazard Mitigation, Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP), Insurance, Floodplain Management
  • Project Reimbursement
  • Project Closeout

We also have extensive experience in implementing the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures (PAAP) under the Section 428 amendment of the Stafford Act—the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act.

IEM’s Boots-on-the-Ground Expertise is Unrivaled

IEM personnel have:

  • Deployed in support of PA efforts for countless presidentially-declared major disaster declarations;
  • Served in state, local and federal emergency management leadership positions, including FEMA Recovery and Resilience; and
  • Provided specialty skills to support several states, territories, and localities in managing their PA programs and in interfacing with FEMA and other federal support agencies and their officials.

Our focus is on building stronger, more disaster-resilient communities as an integral part of disaster recovery.

To learn how IEM can assist your jurisdiction with FEMA Public Assistance, contact us.

Interested in working with IEM? Contact Us.

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