What We Do
Extensive Experience Configuring Software for Government Grantor/Grantee Entities
IEM has three decades of experience developing IT solutions for public sector customers. Our approach focuses on the mission of our clients – how to manage programs to produce better outcomes. We are not tied to our own software solutions – we help our clients select the best of breed that meets their needs and then if needed, build what cannot be bought. IEM invests in partnerships with leading commercial cloud offerings to deliver quality solutions for clients that desire commercial off the shelf (COTS) based capability that can be adapted and configured on a faster timeline.
IEM recognizes that automation is a key enabler to effectively manage grant programs, grantees, and the associated financial accounting and federal reporting that is required. We are one of the few emergency management companies certified at CMMI Level 3 for software systems.
IEM started working with automation of grants using software in 1999. The company developed and maintained a client-server system that supported FEMA Cooperative Agreement (CA) grants called CATools. IEM subsequently evolved this capability to a fully automated, web-based application called WebCA.
In 2016, IEM moved to a cloud-based Business Process Management (BPM) platform to develop grant management applications. The original application IEM developed on the platform was branded HRIQ. We subsequently configured our HRIQ grant management system for use in large scale grant management programs in multi-state or regional areas. HRIQ started pilot development in 2016 and is built 100% on the Appian platform. We have a team of in-house developers with direct experience building the application, along with business analysts, trainers and support desk staff experienced with its deployment in the field.
Originally developed to help states manage Community Development Block Grants – Disaster Recovery (CBDG-DR), the IEM grant management system, HRIQ, has been further tailored for use in other grant programs and initiatives. HRIQ has extensive support for mobile, even offline access, and the grants automation tool is flexible enough to handle program updates within hours or minutes with no interruption in server availability. The native mobility of the COTS Appian platform on which the HRIQ application runs allows ability to work anywhere, on any device.
IEM Successfully Completes Large-Scale Public Sector Grant Management Engagements
IEM has demonstrated successful execution of large-scale federal grant programs in multiple locations in the United States. The largest grant program contract IEM primed was Restore Louisiana with a total value of over $300 million. IEM primed NY Rising, the State of NY grant program for Hurricane Sandy, valued at over $80 million. We are priming other ongoing grant programs in states around the country. IEM supplies grant management automation for a number of these deliveries. For others, IEM has contract tasks to deliver the automation requirements for grants management, provide validation and user acceptance testing, and support desk functions. The members of our development team have collectively over 70 years of experience working in grant management programs.