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Digital Citizen Services

What We Do

IEM knows how to deliver digital citizen services effectively and efficiently. Our team of technologists, grants management experts – former local, state, and federal leaders – and program specialists bring the expertise necessary to enable the timely delivery of economic and other assistance to vulnerable citizens and disaster survivors. We know how to deliver public-facing programs where speed of delivery is essential to individuals, families, and communities.

We are helping to implement American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to rebuild COVID-19 impacted communities, stronger and more resilient. Our tools and services easily process high volume data and transactions.

IEM helps navigate various federal programmatic authorities and procedural requirements to secure the maximum eligible funding while ensuring there is no duplicate financial assistance or fraud. Our team of nationally recognized leaders have the qualifications and relevant experience managing similar large and mid-size programs, including but not limited to, ARPA, Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA), the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and FEMA Public Assistance (PA) and mitigation grants, and Community Development Block Grants, CDBG – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), and CDBG-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) programs.

IEM can offer a full menu of services to support your needs in the implementation of ARPA programs to include:

  • Social Recovery Gap Analysis
  • Program Design, Implementation, and Management
  • Grants Management & Automation Software
  • Technical Assistance
  • Quality Assistance/Quality Control
  • Benefits Cost Analysis
  • Fraud Detection and Prevention

Learn more about the programs we support, specifically

Interested in working with IEM? Contact Us.

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About IEM
