Information Technology Demonstrated Successes

    • Through a contract with the U.S. Army, IEM developed WebPuff, the first open source, web-based emergency planning and response decision support tool for use by federal, state, and military organizations. One of only three models approved by the DOD for chemical and biological events, the system is used by 10 states, more than 60 municipalities, and 385 technical users.


    • IEM conducted a comprehensive assessment of cybersecurity vulnerabilities for a leading U.S. financial firm that deals with significant amounts of personal credit information that must be kept secure. IEM identified security vulnerabilities and developed a security strategy for addressing these vulnerabilities.


    • IEM provided in-depth comprehensive assessments of cybersecurity vulnerabilities for multiple state agencies that manage highly sensitive information requiring protection. IEM identified all vulnerabilities and provided strategic recommendations for solutions.


    • DHS selected IEM to develop and launch its chemical sector Security Awareness Training, a web-based interactive program to help increase security awareness among employees in chemical facilities across the U.S.


    • IEM provided on-site programmatic support to the U.S. Army Chemical School (CMLS) and Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN). This included network support, systems analysis, and configuration management for the Simulations and Analysis Center of the MANSCEN DCD. Most operations were either classified or “For Official Use Only,” and therefore were considered highly sensitive.


    • Since 1999, IEM has provided on-site project management services for the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP), a national program to ensure protection of areas surrounding the nation’s eight chemical weapons stockpile sites.


    • IEM provided IT personnel to the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, in support of various projects and systems, including manpower and human resources systems that serve all Navy personnel.


    • IEM has provided a wide range of testing and assessment services on behalf of organizations whose staffs are not large enough to segregate development and testing efforts.


    • On behalf of the State of Louisiana, Office of Electronic Services, IEM designed, developed, and implemented, the State’s enterprise information portal. We integrated numerous legacy systems on multiple platforms coded in a variety of programming languages. In addition, IEM designed the portal to interface with third-party application service and payment gateway providers in a seamless and transparent way.


  • IEM is an active contributor to DOD’s Joint Effects Model (JEM) simulation modeling software, which is used in predicting and tracking airborne nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) hazards. We provide scientific guidance, software development, modeling and simulation, integration analysis support, testing support, and independent verification and validation (IV&V) documentation support for the program. JEM combines functionality from a number of certified modeling systems, including IEM’s D2-Puff.