Defense Solutions Demonstrated Successes
- IEM’s Smarty Pantz Studios created S.M.A.R.T. Warfighter, a culturally realistic, serious game that trains soldiers to recognize complex behaviors signaling an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threat and to respond effectively. This technology is in use at the U.S. Marines Infantry Immersion Trainer in Camp Pendleton, California. Experiencing the excitement of IEM’s mixed-reality training program, warfighters work to sharpen their skills to effectively identify and resolve unforeseen situations—such as a sniper or a booby-trapped villager. Soldiers walk through carefully crafted settings wrapped in computer generated backgrounds—which change based on the training scenario. Costumed animated actors, who help simulate potentially dangerous situations in a Middle Eastern village, get “up close and personal” with soldiers as they move through the simulated village.
- IEM’s CBRNE subject matter experts (SMEs) and scientists developed a comprehensive web-based emergency management decision support system specifically for the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) to aid in planning for, responding to, and recovering from a chemical incident. This system is used daily to support operations at all Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) sites. The system incorporates D2-Puff, IEM’s advanced chemical dispersion model, which has been integrated into the Joint Effects Model (JEM) for CBRNE Hazard Dispersion Modeling. The D2-Puff model is the only model used to provide analysis for DOD chemical accidents and incidents.
- IEM developed and delivered training for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) protection equipment, decontamination devices, and detection devices for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)-sponsored Restoration of Operations (RestOps) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD).
- As part of an effort to develop an overarching risk management plan for use at U.S. military installations, IEM assessed and quantified the commercial infrastructure dependencies at a DOD installation for the Joint Program Office-Special Technology Countermeasure (JPO-STC). The project resulted in directed strategies for mitigation of risks associated with critical infrastructure and conducting missions. The project also created a framework for contingency planning.
- Since 2002, IEM has supported the Contamination Avoidance at Seaports of Debarkation (CASPOD) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD), a DOD initiative to explore innovative technologies and systems that will help protect strategic seaport operations from a chemical-biological attack. IEM has provided technology training and exercises. We have also supplied critical support to PortWARN and its web-based version, IWARN—an integrated software and hardware solution that enhances port situational awareness.
- IEM is an active contributor to DOD’s JEM simulation modeling software, which is used in predicting and tracking airborne nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) hazards. We provide scientific guidance, software development, modeling and simulation, integration analysis support, testing support, and independent verification and validation (IV&V) documentation support for the program. JEM combines functionality from a number of certified modeling systems, including IEM’s D2-Puff.