Comments on an Improvement to the Brent’s Method
Say that for any given input value, x, we know how to compute an output value, y. There are many situations in which we know the output value, y, and would like to be able to determine the value of x that produced it. Sometimes this can easily be done using algebra or other math, but other times it is not possible to get an exact mathematical answer. Fortunately, several methods are available that enable computers to find good approximate answers. Dr. Stage’s paper, published in the International Journal of Experimental Algorithms (IJEA), examines several of these methods, including a method recently proposed in IJEA by Zhang, to see how quickly each method is able to find a good answer and provides guidance to help programmers select the method best suited to their specific needs.
Authored by: Steven A. Stage, Ph.D., IEM Atmospheric Physicist/Dispersion Modeler
Date: 02-2013