Nuclear Industry Demonstrated Successes

    • National experts in evacuation modeling, having conducted more than 20 technological hazard studies, including 10 studies for nuclear power plant sites.


    • Pioneers in developing and implementing the concept of “balanced response”—a risk-based protective action strategy that involves a combination of shelter-in-place and evacuation for maximum public protection.


    • Provided training on nuclear emergency planning to the Government of Taiwan.


    • Developed a state-of-the-art quantitative risk assessment tool that has been used to calculate chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) risk in more than 150 studies.


    • Developed and implemented public awareness campaigns about chemical weapons threats for 10 states.


    • Identified gaps in response capability for 20 U.S. states, with assessment results guiding improvements to national preparedness.


    • Conducted Nationwide Plan Review, which was mandated by the President after Hurricane Katrina; reviewed emergency plans in all states and urban areas east of the Mississippi River (65 jurisdictions).


    • Key developer of DOD’s state-of-the-art simulation model for predicting and tracking all types of CBRN events.


    • Developed a 3-D simulation environment for testing existing/proposed security measures against CBRN events.


    • Developed the first open source, web-based emergency management decision support and collaboration tool for use by federal, state, and military organizations.


    • For the DHS Chemical and Nuclear Preparedness and Protection Division, conducted the very first Chemical Comprehensive Review, which evaluated emergency preparedness capabilities at chemical sites; also developed an awareness training program as part of the project.


    • Developed web-based portals to support collaboration and information management on multiple DHS and state-level projects.


  • Established a statewide exercise program for natural and human-caused hazards, and conducted more than 40 exercises for the program, including the largest and most complex exercise ever undertaken for a state.