Who We Serve
Improving Medical Disaster Response Through Tools and Expertise
Ensuring an effective response to the medical consequences of a disaster, whether it is a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, or a pandemic event, presents health and medical officials with a host of challenges. At all levels, officials must analyze potential medical demands, assess medical capabilities, and identify and allocate critical resources. They must develop and exercise plans and ensure that personnel are well trained to act collaboratively, quickly, and effectively. For bioterrorism events and pandemics in particular, officials must fully understand the consequences and evolution of infectious disease transmission to make the best decisions about how to protect the public in the event of an outbreak or attack.
IEM’s multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals, medical researchers, and modelers has worked with several offices within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the
- Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (OPEO)
- Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
We have supported the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state and local emergency management agencies, public health departments, hospitals, and regional medical systems. For all of these customers, we help improve healthcare emergency preparedness for natural disasters; pandemics; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) events; and other health emergencies. We provide services ranging from unique planning strategies and focused training and exercises to simulation modeling and epidemiological analysis.
- Epidemiological modeling
- Healthcare performance management
- Healthcare policy analysis
- Health & medical emergency preparedness
- Modeling and simulation
- Medical consequence modeling
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Baccam, Prasith, et al. Mass Prophylaxis Dispensing Concerns: Traffic and Public Access to PODs. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science. 2011. 9(2): 139-151.
Hiles, Chris. Defining the Big Picture. ADVANCE for Nurses. June 30, 2010.
Hiles, Chris. Prepping for Any Disaster: Prevention, Preparation and Risk Management are Essential to Managing an Emergency. ADVANCE for Nurses. June 15, 2010.
Hiles, Chris. The Emergency Management Cycle: Why Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Are Vital to the Medical Field. ADVANCE for Nurses. May 25, 2010.
Hiles, Chris. An Unorthodox Nursing Career: Emergency Management Planning Offers Nurses Lots of Opportunity. ADVANCE for Nurses. April 21, 2010.
Kim, Deborah H. “GIS Application and a Regionalized Approach for Mass Casualty Incident Planning.” GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management. Ed. Ric Skinner. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2010. 207–220. To order, see
Baccam, Prasith, and Boechler, Michael. Public Health Response to an Anthrax Attack: An Evaluation of Vaccination Policy Options. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science. 2007. 5(1): 26–34.
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- New York economic damage from Irene
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- newsroom
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- nuclear meltdown Japan
- nuclear plant evacuation
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- nuclear safety
- nuclear safety & security
- nuclear security
- Nuclear-Power Plants
- nursing and emergency management
- ohio train derailment
- oil spill in the gulf
- oil spill map
- oiled wildlife map
- Oklahoma Tornado
- olympics and zika
- padma shri
- paths of oklahoma tornados
- pet evacuations
- planning
- PODs
- points of dispensing
- Port-au-Prince earthquake destruction
- post-most-recent
- potassium iodide
- preparedness
- preparedness phase
- preparedness planning
- prepositioning antibiotics
- press release
- preventing terrorism
- problems with telephone surveys
- prog mgmt
- program management
- projections-01-22
- projections-02-22
- projections-03-22
- projections-04-22
- projections-1-21
- projections-10-20
- projections-10-21
- projections-11-20
- projections-11-21
- projections-12-20
- projections-12-21
- projections-2-21
- projections-3-20
- projections-3-21
- projections-4-20
- projections-4-21
- projections-5-20
- projections-5-21
- projections-6-20
- projections-6-21
- projections-7-20
- projections-7-21
- projections-8-20
- projections-8-21
- projections-9-20
- projections-9-21
- prussian blue
- public assistance
- Public Health and Medical Services
- Public Health Emergency
- public performance management
- Public Safety Consulting
- public service
- public-health
- Puerto Rico
- radiation dose
- radiation doses
- radiation exposure
- radiation levels
- radioactive contamination
- Rebuild
- Rebuild Florida
- rebuilding haiti
- recovery efforts for sikkim earthquake
- recovery efforts in haiti
- recovery in Haiti
- relief and aid to haiti
- renewable fuel
- renters
- research and development
- resilience
- Response
- response phase
- response plan
- Rio Olympics
- risk of zika
- roadway infrastructure damage in Japan
- sandy
- science awards in India
- September 11
- sikkim
- sikkim earthquake
- simulation
- social media emergency response
- Social media resources for Isaac
- social media resources for italy earthquakes
- social media resources for sikkim earthquake
- social media sites for Hurricane Sandy
- social media tools
- social media turkey earthquake
- Solar For All
- Solar For All Program
- southeast Louisiana hurricanes
- storm surge
- superstorm Sandy
- supply chains
- Team IEM
- technology
- Texas
- threat vulnerability asset
- Three Mile Island
- tornado
- tornado destruction
- Tornado Recovery
- Tornados in Alabama
- Tornados in Mississippi
- towns around Japan nuclear plant
- training
- transportation
- transportation planning
- travel tips
- Tribal Community Engagement
- Tropical Storm
- Tropical Storm Isaac track
- trust
- turkey earthquake
- turkey earthquake damage
- turkey earthquake rescue
- turkey earthquake social media sites
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- twitter helping turkey earthquake victims
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Uttarakhand
- vaccine
- van earthquake
- video
- vinyl chloride spill
- Virginia Economic damage Irene
- vulnerable populations
- water
- webcams for Isaac
- webinar
- WebPuff
- Wildfire
- Wildfire Mitigation
- winter storm
- women in science and technology
- zika
- zika disease
- Zika outbreak
- zika virus

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