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Press Releases and Announcements
IEM CEO Madhu Beriwal Discusses Life and Emergency Management as Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina Nears
IEM’s President and CEO, Madhu Beriwal, spoke on North Carolina’s Public Radio show, “The State of Things” today. She talks with host Frank Stasio about her life and research in emergency management.
Governor McCrory Appoints Madhu Beriwal to North Carolina Economic Development Board
Governor McCrory has appointed John Lassiter as chair of the board and Jim Whitehurst as vice chair.
IEM Helps Duke University Summer Program Students Learn About Hurricane Preparedness
In support of summer educational programs provided by the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) for gifted fifth and sixth graders, IEM has hosted three interactive educational special activity sessions at their Research Triangle Park Headquarters office.
IEM’s Dr. Steve Stage Publishes Article in IJEA Comparing Methods for Finding Roots of Functions
Say that for any given input value, x, we know how to compute an output value, y. There are many situations in which we know the output value, y, and would like to be able to determine the value of x that produced it.
Security Risks for Obama 2nd Inauguration Have Not Lessened
IEM Vice President of Response and Defense, Richard Rowe, Major General US Army (Retired), was interviewed by NBC and Bloomberg News about his thoughts on security for President’s Obama second inauguration taking place January 21, 2013.