Science and Technology Expertise That Supports Force and Installation Protection
IEM’s defense solutions help protect, support, and improve the performance of warfighters and military leaders at home and on the battlefield. Our science- and technology-based tools and capabilities, combined with a unique blend of operational, academic, and policy-level experience, enable us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet client needs, from the operational to the national policy levels.
We offer a broad spectrum of solutions—from creating a safe and effective hands-on mixed-reality training environment that prepares soldiers for the uncertainties of counterinsurgency to developing a more accurate chemical dispersion model that can counteract the effects of a WMD. We also provide valuable testing and evaluation services, including independent verification and validation (IV&V). IEM supplies a wide range of personnel to assist in emergencies—from CBRNE subject matter experts (SMEs) to IT professionals, scientists, and administrative support staff.
Using IEM decision support systems, military leaders can assess threats, calculate risks, and mitigate dangerous situations for force, installation, and critical infrastructure protection. Many of IEM’s award-winning projects and products have turned into industry standards, military doctrine, best practice methodologies, and joint programs of record.
- Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive materials (CBRNE)
- Counterterrorism/Counterinsurgency
- Doctrine Development
- Modeling & Simulation
- Program Management
- Research & Development
- Training & Exercises
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