More U.S. Communities Will be Affected by Hurricanes
The Daily Courier
Featuring IEM President & CEO, Bryan Koon
Article Highlights:
- “Sit down with your insurance agent and review your policy,” he said. “Make sure it is what you need.”
- “Flood insurance is expensive, but not having flood insurance can be way more expensive,” he said.
- And history is not a guide. Hurricanes and flooding storms can hit widespread areas. Instead, assess your house.
- “When was it built? What were the building codes in place then? What happens if a storm comes through and stalls in your area and drops six, 12, or 18 inches of rain? What happens if you get sustained 100-mph winds? What if you have a tornado that shoots off one of those (hurricanes) and impacts your house?” Koon asked.
Read the full article on the The Daily Courier at the link below.